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Aquastore Field Day 2017 Success
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09/18/2017 – Kansas City, MO – CST recently welcomed more than 165 distinguished guests during the annual Field Day Open House on September 13th, 2017. Held at 345 Harvestore Drive in DeKalb, Illinois, the 500,000 square foot ISO 9001 certified facility produces Aquastore® glass‐fused‐to‐steel storage tanks along with Harvestore® and Slurrystore® tanks, and Harvestore XL ™ Unloaders.
The event was hosted by CST and CST’s authorized dealer network to showcase the production of Aquastore glassfused‐ to‐steel storage tanks to various customers from around the world. Guests included both large and small engineering firms, service districts, water companies, utility agencies, as well as private users and owners of Aquastore® glass‐fused‐to‐steel tanks.
The tour consisted of seventeen (17) stations with CST employee and dealer presenters describing each process that goes into an Aquastore tank. Guests were served breakfast and lunch with door prizes drawn before their departure. Visitors were able to see first‐hand the CST Storage facility on a special plant tour which demonstrated the process and quality of Aquastore’s glass‐fused‐to‐steel technology. Aquastore offers the only process in the world that provides optimum glass encapsulation on all (4) sides of the tank sheet edges, Edgecoat II™, and Vitrium™ Ti02 technology.
“CST would like to give a heartfelt “Thank you” to its dedicated employees who made this event such a success”, says Tim Carpenter, CEO and President of CST. “Simply put, we have great people who help make and sell great products and this event allows us the opportunity to showcase both, people and our products for which we are proud”.
When asked what impressed them the most, visitors commented: plant size, efficiency, longevity of personnel presenting the various topics, coating process, quality control and the organization throughout the factory.
CST would also like to thank its dealers, Greatario, Cady Aquastore, Florida Aquastore, Texas Aquastore, Southeastern Tank, Aquastore de Mexico, Great Plains Structures, Statewide Aquastore, Mid Atlantic Storage Systems and KentuckyGlass Lined Tank Systems, for making this event a great success.
To learn more about Aquastore or to schedule to be on our next plant tour, contact your local authorized Aquastore dealer, visit www.cstindustries.com or call 844‐44‐TANKS.
About CST
CST’s existing company portfolio consists of CST Storage, CST Covers and Vulcan Tanks. Five manufacturing facilities and technical design centers and multiple regional sales offices are located throughout North America and the United Kingdom. International offices are located in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Panama, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. Currently, more than 350,000 CST storage tanks and 18,000 covers have been installed in 125 countries throughout the world.