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CST has been providing storage and cover solutions to the oil and gas and petrochemical industries since 1893.
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Our History in the Petrochemical Market
CST has been supplying storage tanks and covers to the petroleum products industry for more than 127 years under the names of Columbian Steel Tank™, Temcor, Conservatek® and Columbian TecTank®. We have pioneered the use of geodesic aluminum domes and bolted steel storage tanks in this industry and are the only company in the world who carries an independently audited API-12B monogram certification (License Number 12B-0004, Parsons, KS facility). CST supplies storage tanks and covers for applications including:
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- Crude Oil Storage
- Terminal Storage
- Pipeline Storage
- Drilling Fluids
- Fuel Oil and distillates
- Frac Water
CST supplies geodesic aluminum domes through active master service agreements with practically all the world’s leading petroleum producers.
CST and their Trico Bond EP® thermally cured and factory-applied coating system has been field proven in tens of thousands of tanks installed in petroleum applications. Our system provides the maximum corrosion protection even when storing strong caustics, acids, brines and sour crude and other petroleum products.
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Featured Projects
Dry Bulk & Liquid Storage Tanks
Architectural Covers
Aluminum Domes, Reservoir & Flat Covers
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