Ferrell Special Events Center, Baylor University


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Ferrell Special Events Center, Baylor University


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ferrell-special-events-center-baylor-universityFerrell Special Events Center, 1988
Baylor University, Waco, Texas
Architect: C/A Architects, Inc., Houston, Texas

CST Covers Aluminum Dome
10,000 seat multi-purpose arena

The gold anodized CST Covers Aluminum Dome rises 56 feet above the arena’s 40’ high steel-frame exterior wall. White, vinyl-faced fiberglass insulation bonded to the interior of the 2,016 triangular aluminum roof panels keeps cooling costs low and
provides effective accoustical absorption. The dome was engineered to support a gross rigging load of 86,000 pounds, plus the added weight of a scoreboard, speaker cluster and catwalks.



