CST Receives Pollution Prevention Award from The Kansas Department of Health and Environment


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CST Receives Pollution Prevention Award from The Kansas Department of Health and Environment


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08/21/2017 – Kansas City, MO – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) presents Pollution Prevention Awards annually to those communities, businesses, and industries who have made a significant improvement in protecting our environment by preventing pollution or conserving natural resources. Pollution prevention (P2) encompasses many different activities that prevent or reduce the generation of pollutants or wastes at the source. Opportunities for preventing pollution occur in all sectors of economic life – industry, agriculture, energy, and/or the design and use of consumer products. This annual award program recognizes excellence in working towards a cleaner environment.

On August 9, 2017, CST’s Parsons, KS facility was recognized as a 2017 Pollution Prevention Award Recipient. The award ceremony was in Topeka Kansas in conjunction with the annual KDHE Environmental Conference. Matt Kuhel was present to accept the award on behalf of CST. Matt has been in charge of the Pollution Prevention Intern (PPI) program for the past 4 years and leads interns from Kansas State University in the effort to reduce waste, energy, and hazardous waste at the Parsons facility. This program has resulted in many improvements and cost savings projects including LED shop lighting, cutting e-room powder consumption by 50%, better top coat transfer efficiency resulting in lower paint usage thus reducing our HAPs (hazardous air pollutants), and annual air and gas line leak audits. These activities have truly been a team effort with participation from all levels work groups within the plant. Since joining the program, CST has been recognized for three pollution prevention awards. We look forward to continuing to work with this great program for many years to come.

About CST

CST’s existing company portfolio consists of CST Storage, CST Covers and Vulcan Tanks. Five manufacturing facilities and technical design centers and multiple regional sales offices are located throughout North America and the United Kingdom. International offices are located in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Panama, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. Currently, more than 350,000 CST storage tanks and 18,000 covers have been installed in 125 countries throughout the world.



