Category: Success Stories

  • Shanghai International Gymnastics Center

    Shanghai International Gymnastics Center

    [precontent] [two_third valign=”middle” animation=”none] Shanghai International Gymnastics Center [/two_third] [one_third_last valign=”middle” animation=”none”] [button linking=”default” align=”center” size=”big” style=”simple” type=”wide” link=””]Inquiry[/button] [/one_third_last] [/precontent] Shanghai International Gymnastics Center, 1997 Shanghai, China Architect: Shanghai Metallurgical Design and Research Institute 223’ (68 m) diameter CST Covers Aluminum Dome and matching lower facade National and international gymnastics competitions [one_half] The 4,000…

  • City of Cleburne Meets Challenges of Strict Environmental Standards & Severe Weather with Durable Aluminum Dome Roofs

    City of Cleburne Meets Challenges of Strict Environmental Standards & Severe Weather with Durable Aluminum Dome Roofs

    The public works department of Cleburne, Texas, located 30 miles south/southwest of Dallas-Fort Worth, needed to replace the aging concrete covers on two potable water tanks to meet environmental regulations. The concrete ground tanks store treated water and help serve the city with about two million gallons of water daily. Gracon Construction was selected as…